It's how the story started. I have a left over piece of tofu and thinking what to do with it while wandering in the city. I ran into a traditional market as I decided to buy big fish head for this milky color fish head tofu soup! I bought some fish belly for frying in the same stall, too. Why not? I'm getting myself a nutritious fish lunch for today.
The challenge is not the cooking, but buying bloody fresh fish in the wet market. The plastic bags are still stained with blood no matter how may bags the stall owner tries to give you. And the change he handed to you is with a big fish scale on it, and its soaky wet with the fish blood and sea water... I spend the soaky money immediately for the mushrooms and green onions... And it's also about washing and cutting the slippery fish up. It's not that enjoyable so I'm gonna cut it short.
The dish comes up great and that's every housewife survived the market scene I suppose! And I definitely treated the fish soup like a hotpot that I add in mushrooms, three kinds of fishballs (white fishball, fresh fishball, and deep fried fresh fishball), and even sesame sweet dumplings (芝麻湯丸)! The flavor is so intense, color is so beautiful, and the savory sweet sesame dumpling is the highlight to my fish soup and fish meal as a whole today!
You know, whatever works!